Steven Gorelick

Steven Gorelick
Global Freshwater Initiative and Water, Health and Development
Steven Gorelick is a hydrologist by training (Stanford MS ’77, PhD ’81) with more than 25 years of research and practical experience. His “hydro group” conducts research that combines hydrogeology with aspects of ecology, geophysics, operations research and economics to study meadow restoration, wetland protection, water supply management and contaminated groundwater remediation methods in Jordan, Vietnam, Mexico and India. Major emphases of his research group during the past decade have been in the areas of eco-hydrology and water allocation in developing nations. Gorelick has co-authored more than 100 papers, three books and three patents. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the Geological Society of America. He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship (‘05) for his work on global oil resources, and is a two-time Fulbright Senior Scholar (‘97, ‘08) for research on freshwater resource problems in Western Australia.
Professor Gorelick's research group's activities may be seen here, and his complete publication list may be found here.